- 1948
- Born
Chun-gang University, MA.
Solo-exhibitions 55 times(Korea, Italy, Japan, Canada, USA, and so on)
Kyongi Art Award, Ikei Exhibition Award, Gen-Ten Award, and so on
Annual Exhibition Selection and Hanging Committee of Kyongi Art Exhibition, NAHESEOK Art Exhibition, Korea
Christ Art Exhibition and more
Contemporary Art Festival in the Center(Seoul, KOREA)
SEOUL SPECT Art Festival(Seoul, KOREA)
The14th Art Festival in Tokyo(Tokyo metoropolitan Art Museum, JAPAN)
KOREA・JAPAN Contemporary Art Exhibition in Seoul
3-Countries in Asia “East-Wind” 6-Artists Exhibition(Seoul, KOREA)
KOREA・CANADA Contemporary Art Exhibition(KOREA, CANADA)
- 1994
- 94 ART/EX/TOYAMA(Toyama Kenmin-Kaikan Museum of Art, JAPAN)/ ’97
- 2002
- ART/X/TOYAMA in UOZU(Niikawa-Bunka Hall, JAPAN)/ ’06 / ’10 / ’14 / ’18