URL : http://www.lerhunsylou.com
E-mail : syloulerhun@gmail.com

colored pencil, felt pen, graphite on paper
- 1963
- born
- 1995
- National Superior Diploma of Plastic Expression with mention/Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’art de Bretagne
- Since 1996
- professor and Intervener art plastic-art history-design and applied research in art /CAPESS/AGREG-plastic art
- 2017/2018
- training of art-therapist /Master 2/Faculty of Medecine of Tours and AFRATAPEM
I made the choice to develop my own codes and exhibitions conditions (time, place, duration, communication) and developed for several years, a hybrid practice, a kind of rhyzome where everything is interconnected (performance-dance-writing drawing-video-photography).
Solo exhibitions
- 2015-2017
- Alt,”cqjserdiVW”, “Aside”, “Sphaera”, “Green dance”, “Exchange I II III with Monk”, “Act premier / second / transit”, “Line III” (Pays de la Loire / Maine et Loire / Finistère)
“Kronos”, “Partition” (Résidence d’artiste, Corcouet),
“Territory”, (Domaine du Landreau / Le chez Blanche, Nuaille)
“Line I/II”, “Digital Choreography I/II/III/IV”, “Digital” (Pays de la Loire) - 2012-14
- “Archeologia Crépuscule”, “Push on”, “Process Perform 15/15”, “Process”, “The Chairman Dances”, “Salome Dances for Peace” (Pays de la Loire / Finistère / Maine et Loire)
- 2008-2010
- “Pulses”, “Interstice”, “Extraction”, “Etat des lieux”, “Topos”, “Topos text” (Juin fotografik SPHAERA)
- 2001-2007
- “Dessin rouge”, “Act millimétré”, “Gestazione Process”, “Spire concept”, “Red Dance” (Finistère / Pays de la Loire)
Group exhibitions
- 1994-2017
- le Lieu Unique, Center of art Le Quartier, Britain History Museum, l’ENITIAA, Argraphie, GREENLAND, GERMANY
- 1997
- ’97 ART/EX/TOYAMA(Toyama Kenmin-Kaikan Museum of Art, JAPAN)
- 2002
- ART/X/TOYAMA in UOZU(Niikawa-Bunka Hall, JAPAN)/ ’06 / ’14