E-mail : yesurin3@naver.com

oil on canvas
- 1948
- Born
Graduated from Chung-Ang University, M.A.
Contemporary Art Festival in the Center(Seoul, KOREA)
SEOUL SPECT Art Festival(Seoul, KOREA)
The14th Art Festival in Tokyo(Tokyo metoropolitan Art Museum, JAPAN)
KOREA・JAPAN Contemporary Art Exhibition in Seoul
3-Countries in Asia “East-Wind” 6-Artists Exhibition(Seoul, KOREA)
KOREA・CANADA Contemporary Art Exhibition(KOREA, CANADA)
Solo-exhibitions 43 times(KOREA, JAPAN, USA, ITALY, CANADA, and so on)
Kyongi Art Award, Ikei Exhibition Award, Gen-Ten Award, and so on
Annual Exhibition Selection and Hanging Committee of Kyongi Art Exhibition, NAHESEOK Art Exhibition, Korea Christ Art Exhibition and more
- 1994
- ’94 ART/EX/TOYAMA(Toyama Kenmin-Kaikan Museum of Art, JAPAN)/’97
- 2002
- ART/X/TOYAMA in UOZU(Niikawa-Bunka Hall, JAPAN)/ ’06 / ’10 / ’14